Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hour of Code 2015!

The time is here!

Last year students were introduced to a computer programming curriculum throughout the year.

Computer Programming Vocabulary they learned:

  • Algorithm-- a set of instructions
  • Macro-- a computer program. The algorithm creates a macro.
  • RBG- Red, Blue, Green Channels
  • Loop--to repeat from the beginning (any algorithm inside the loop)
  • Degrees-- angles that tell robots which way to set their directions

Students learned to manuever Sphero Robots and created several macros (computer programs) using those robots throughout the year.

They participated in The Hour Of Code. 

Each individual student was given accounts and has had access to their account (in and out of school) since.

A year from this point we are back at THE HOUR OF CODE!
It has been such a blessing to our curriculum. I have noticed many advantages of teaching coding. First, and foremost-- it has created a growth mindset in my students. When we first began, students were easily frustrated and wanted to quit when they didn't know the exact answers in the lines of code they were creating. Now, it is amazing to see them work through challenges which sometimes takes several attempts and a high level of problem solving! I am so proud of them! Computer project teaches basic logic as well as state mandated english and mathematics standards.

Students will be excited this year when they learn that this year's Hour of Code includes a MINECRAFT or STARWARS coding experience which encourages them to learn to leave the blockly coding system, instead replacing blocks with actual Java code.

Welcome to the hour of code!


2nd grade website

3rd  grade website

4th grade website

5th grade website

6th grade website

7th grade website

8th grade website

9th grade website