As the elementary classes finished their t-shirt challenges, they were introduced to the Night Zookeeper to celebrate creative writing month. The Night Zookeeper encourages students to be the creators instead of the consumers of products. This online curriculum allows students to create imaginative stories, manage their zoo, and illustrate throughout the process.
Students create animals for their zoos and work to protect and take care of them. To gain "orbs" that they can spend, students also write for the "Night News" about their adventures. We didn't focus on the structure and grammar of our writings on Day 1. We really just focused on trying to understand the software. After each student submits a story, the teacher is able to reward them by sending them an "orb" and send them a positive note that also offers suggestions to improve their writing. Its a win/win. The kids are being creative and having fun and being rewarded through "orbs" when they meet their grade level objectives. Read our class NIGHTLY NEWS (1st - 5th grade) here!