Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Getting ready for 'The Hour of Code'

The 'Hour of Code'  takes place Dec. 4-8 and is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week andCode.org to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.  

Through the month of November, Mrs. Henley's classes have been learning basic coding vocabulary and have already started preparing for the big week! Students have been getting familiar with Sphero Robots. These robots are fun and interactive, but more importantly have apps (Macro Lab and orbBasic) that allow them to enter code to control the robots. At our ages, I think that it is important that students gain direct feedback from their robot as they code allowing them to see the changes they are making. We are so thankful for our Sphero Robots that bring fun and coding to our classroom!

November 22nd, Mrs. Henley went to an all day professional development in Sand Springs to learn more about coding as well as network with other teachers who are introducing coding to their students. I learned a lot, gained resources, and am excited about our future plans!

Week of December 1st. Students are writing their first macro (computer program)~! Yes, I said THEY are actually writing it! Thanks to our Spheros and the free "Macro Lab" app, students created their first multi-color (rainbow) code. Students were challenged to create a macro and to name their macro something that would inspire their color choices. They were then instructed to plan out a 12 step algorithm that began with Loop Start and ended with Loop End. Students were challenged to use RGB to create their own colors, as they learned hands on that the mixing of these colors could create any color including white! If they accomplished this mission, they were encouraged to go back and edit their algorithm to change any steps that did not function as planned and then explore what other things they could make their sphero do by coding! 

Here are Monday/ Tuesday students showing off thier programs. 

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