Monday, February 16, 2015

5th grade Feb Skypes

This week I tried to trick the students. Knowing Hawaii wasn't on the main part of their maps, but rather tucked in the left hand corner -- I was almost sure they'd forget about it. Sure enough, students eliminated every state on the mainland and then looked back at their instructors confused and a little frustrated; however, it didn't take long. Within a minute, the lights in their heads went off and they knew EXACTLY that they were talking to Hawaii.

The second class was just as fun. I was hopeful that putting the other class right under their noses (in Oklahoma) would throw them off a little. As I walked by a few tables I overheard students telling each other, "Well, we know they aren't Oklahoma." Despite my tricks, both teams successfully found the other classes mystery Skype locations.

The last class of the day almost didn't get to Skype! The teacher and I had a miscommunication due to timezones and they weren't available. Thank goodness for Twitter and this sweet teacher in California who picked us up last min!  This class was able to find their counterparts just below Los Angeles in California. These students live off the beach and were 20 minutes from Disney Land and many go there monthly!

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